Rescue Tube Rescue - Διάσωση με Σωσίβιο

Rescue Tube Rescue 

Διάσωση με Σωσίβιο

Event description 

Four competitors from each team participate in this event: a “victim,” one rescue tube swimmer, and two rescuers. The victim swims approximately 120 m to a designated buoy, signals, and waits to be rescued by the rescue tube swimmer. As they return to shore, the remaining two rescuers enter the water to assist. The event finishes when the first competitor in a team crosses the finish line while in contact with the victim. (a) The start: All four competitors assemble at their team’s allotted position at the start line. Prior to the start signal, the rescue tube swimmer and equipment must be on the shoreward side of the start/finish line. The rescue tube swimmer may hold or don the rescue tube, and may hold the swim fins in his or her hands. Rescue tubes may be worn either with the loop over or across one or two shoulders, or over the shoulder and across the chest. Fins may not be worn prior to crossing the start line. • On the starting signal, the victim enters the water, swims to touch the allotted buoy, signalling arrival by raising the other arm to a vertical position while in contact with the buoy. The victim then waits in the water on the seaward side of the buoy. Note 1: The buoy is defined as the buoy only and does not include any attaching ropes and/or straps. Competitors must visibly touch the buoy above the water line before signalling their arrival at the buoy. Note 2: Competitors may touch buoys and buoy ropes but are not permitted to use buoy ropes to drag themselves along the course to reach their allotted buoy. • The Chief Referee may determine an acceptable alternative method of clearly signalling the victim has touched the buoy. • Competitors must start from the correct allotted position. Competitors swimming to and signalling from the wrong buoy shall be disqualified. (b) Rescue tube swimmer: On the victim’s arrival signal, and from the correct allotted position, the rescue tube swimmer crosses the start line, dons the equipment at his or her discretion, and swims past the left side (viewed from the beach) of the designated buoy to the victim waiting on the seaward side of the buoy. The rescue swimmer secures the rescue tube correctly around the victim’s body and under both arms and clipped to an O-ring. The victim may assist with the securing and clipping of the rescue tube. With the victim clipped into the rescue tube, competitors continue (clockwise) around the buoy towing the victim to the beach. Note: Competitors may touch buoys and buoy ropes but are not permitted to use buoy ropes to drag themselves along the course to reach their allotted buoy. (c) Rescuers: After the rescue tube swimmer has started to tow the victim to the beach, the two rescuers, at their discretion, may cross the start line to enter the water and assist the rescue tube swimmer to bring the victim to the beach. The victim must be dragged or carried to the finish. (d) The finish is judged on the chest of the first team member crossing the finish line on his or her feet in an upright position while still in contact with the victim (the rescue tube need not be attached). Note: While it is not necessary to drag the whole of the victim beyond the finish line teams are requested to immediately move to the shoreward side of the finish line to assist with judging of the event and to enable any trailing teams to finish.


In addition to the General Rules in Section 2 and those outlined in 4.1 through 4.3, the following behaviour shall result in disqualification: Failure to complete the course as defined and described (DQ12).