SERC Νερού - Σενάρια Νερού

 SERC Νερού - Σενάρια Νερού


The Simulated Emergency Response Competition (SERC) tests the initiative, judgement, knowledge, and abilities of four lifesavers who, acting as a team – under the direction of a team leader – apply lifesaving skills in a simulated emergency situation unknown to them prior to the start. This competition is judged within a two-minute time limit. All teams respond to the same scenario and are evaluated by the same Judges. Every effort will be made to ensure that the scenario is executed in the same manner for every team. The Simulated Emergency Response Competition shall be conducted without male and female categories. Teams may consist of any combination of males or females.


In addition to the General Rules in Section 2 and the General conditions for Simulated Emergency Response Competition in 5.2, the following behaviour may result in disqualification: (a) Receiving outside assistance, direction, or advice (DQ7). (b) Taking any telecommunication device into the security area (DQ8). (c) Using any equipment not provided as part of the competition (DQ9). (d) Competitors who verbally or physically abuse a victim may be assigned a penalty or disqualified (DQ10)