Salutation by the Honorary President of the Greek Lifesaving Sports Association

Salutation by the Honorary President 
of the Greek Lifesaving Sports Association

I want you to know that when I discussed with Stathis this thema, we will not do it unless we do it at the Hellenic Olympic Committee. He said that it is impossible. I told him "wait and you will see." Dear respected, honorable participants your presence is very important. You bring experience and scientific knowledge to help us win the International Olympic Committee to support lifesaving as a sport. First of all, I would like to say thanks to Presient Mr. Spyros Capralos and the Secretary General of the Hellenic Committee for their support to us for being here today. It is interesting that Mr. Capralos was my student. Also I would like to say my best thanks to Stathis Avramidis. I gave to him my life. Finally I feel so young with all these scientific people here who are giving us their knowledge, so the International Olympic Committee will sooner will start to discuss that lifesaving is part of life and must be part of the Olympic Games. Welcome and enjoy Athens.

Lucas Bistarakis
Honorary President
Greek Lifesaving Sports Association
"Father" of the Greek professional lifeguarding