Salutation by the International Life Saving Federation

Salutation by the International Life Saving Federation

What we are having in commons all of us is that we don't need speeches. We have them in our body. We are all people that we do not have blood in our vains. We have lifesaving in our vains. We live, we die, we raise, we wake up with lifesaving in our body. And also with our wives and children, because we pass this message to them. When I see all these people sitting here, many of which I know for more than 30 years, and they are still here.  John (Martin) and John (Long) are some of them. Many people that are sitting here are some of them. This gentleman (Lucas Bistarakis) is one of them. The emotion that we show in him is what we are fighting for. Lifesaving is one. But the promotion of lifesaving through sport to the youngsters and bring all the people of the world, boys and girls, to the Olympic Games, is a good thing because it will promote the sport and expand the whole lifesaving and lifeguard ideology to all the youth of the world. That's what we are trying to do, to get to the Olympic Games and we are on a good way as we see in the speeches. Thank you Stathis and your group that especially prepared this event, volunteers, photographers and the lady presenter. Thank you all. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being the fighers of lifesaving and for continuing to fight for us to increase lifesaving in the whole world. We need you. Thanks you!


Dr. Harald Vervaecke, PhD

Secretary General

International Life Saving Federation